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Memories from the 1950s and early 1960s

Posted by on Wednesday, November 29, 2017, In : 1950s 

I will be eternally grateful for the education that I received at EHS, which enabled me to pursue a profession that enabled me to provide for my family. I remember how lucky I was to attend the school that had a dedicated group of teachers and how basic were the facilities we had to work with. 

I remember sitting for examinations, commencing with intermediate certificate, at the Exhibition Buildings and trying to find a desk that was level, without being propped up with blotting paper. 
I remem...

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In the 1970s

Posted by Jim Good on Monday, March 3, 2014, In : 1970s 

I attended Elwood High School from 1974 to 1977, after completing Grade 6 at St.Kilda Park Primary School. The years I spent at EHS hold some of the best memories of my life. Not that they were all good, of course. These were really the formative times, where all the usual stuff that happens in a teenagers life, happened. A lot of what I'm talking about has come flooding back to me by watching Puberty Blues on TV!

I remember the quadrangle and the buildings that surrounded it very clearly...

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